Copper Ores

Maps and routes may slightly vary depending if you choose to be on the Horde’s side or the Alliance’s. Additionally, further differences will occur depending on your race in the game.

Generally, a lot of copper veins are generally located at Darkshore (275), Durotar (240), Azshara (218), Nothern Barrens (215), Elwynn Forest (177). Picking the right location will only depend on your current location.

The road to Azshara is pretty simple and accessible. The recommended starting point for this destination would be Orgimmar, if you choose to be on the Horde’s side. Tracking yourself on the map and following the red line around the border of the map is an easy way to reach Azshara in the game.

Map of Where to mine in WoW for Copper Ores at Azshara

Alternatively, you can begin your gathering at the veins of Durotar if you are a Horde member. The difference is that there are more copper veins compared to Azshara and it is more accessible from the foot of the mountains.

Map of Where to mine in WoW for Copper Ores at Durotar

If you happen to stumble upon the zone of the Northern Barrens in the game, maybe because of a quest, you can drop by the copper veins of this location while you are finishing the quest. The route is pretty simple and you won’t need to jump from in-game to this guide because of a complicated route.

Map of Where to mine in WoW for Copper Ores at Northern Barrens

The richest of all locations as far as copper is concerned would be Darkshore with 275 veins; you would not be worrying much of finding these farming spots if you are in Darkshore. However, the route to this place is quite complicated; you will have to travel east and proceed to “The Master’s Glaive”. After this, you will shift to the north and just walk around the waterway.

Where to mine in WoW for Copper Ores at Darkshore

On the other hand, if you are on the Alliance’s team in this game, there would be no place better than the ones located in front of the Stormwind City. You will have to trail the foot of the mountain just around the small cliffs; walking around the small pond and onto the foot of the mountain once more. It is best that gamers have the sufficient level to learn mount; then you will have to go inside the cave that encircles the entire map so you won’t need to travel at a longer time to the designated spot in the game.

Map of Where to mine in WoW for Copper Ores at Elwynn Forest

Make sure:

  • Your mining skill is at least 50 to farm tin effectively
  • You have learnt Journeyman Miner

Before moving on to the next zone.